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Usami Mizuki • 1 year ago

Now let's wait for the season 3

KeqingMain • 1 year ago

Ah yes the painful part😅 hopefully not like the 10 yrs. wait like code geass I guess🙃

Usami Mizuki • 1 year ago

It's good if the Anime is Seasonal.
They got budget and plans before creating the anime unlike long running anime, the animation is not always consistent.

vsmarzt • 1 year ago

its said to come out next year but we dont have dates, the latest season had decent animations so i m hoping for them continue

Kevin Sears • 1 year ago

xXx why why why do you people always say it's about budget when it has absolutely nothing to do with budget? sure you have flops that fail for budgetting reasons, but stuff like this comes down to manpower.

Studios have a ton of work to do, and only 1-3 animation teams. they simply cannot do everything at once... there's no connection here to a budget, it will come out as scheduled, because they already contracted out other animations... (expect S3 this winter)

femme_fatale • 1 year ago

Maybe because a good budget has room for additional manpower?

Kai Kazuhiro • 1 year ago

that's assuming manpower is unlimited.
When we know that "manpower" is decreasing gradually. To the point that a covid rise in the neighboring country affects the production of a japanese animation studio.

Archaic Sage • 1 year ago

Covid was a man made mass hysteria, it is nothing more than an excuse at this point.

Zachary M Erickson • 1 year ago

There were millions of casualties. This is not made up. I know someone who died from it.

FlyingPirateCat • 1 year ago

Those casualties mostly are conspiracies.

Although it was true there are casualties, its true number should be not so exaggerated.

I know that many hospitals in my country did this. Every patients who died for any other reason (heart attack, traffic accident, etc) is also labeled died from covid.

Chaos Dragon • 1 year ago

I have to disagree with you on this, I lost my dad to covid (and it was covid that killed him before u say any other type of shite) so u can take ur assumption bullshit an do one with ur fake " proven" statistics

MeguminExplosion • 1 week ago

im a nurse so the way they count those statistics is because covid has a higher rate of mortality with those with other comorbidities. So theyre counted as covid deaths.

Archaic Sage • 1 year ago

More than likely, you simply know someone who was killed because of it. Not someone who actually died from it. Covid mortality rates never went above .03%, similar to any flu. This is a scientific fact shown in a paper that has Fauci's own name in the headline.

Thrace ecarhT • 1 year ago

1 million dead in the US alone. I had it myself. I know people who died. You're so full of it.

Archaic Sage • 1 year ago

It's been scientifically proven that only a small fraction of the people they say died from Covid, actually did die from Covid. They died with a false positive test, and were lumped together to make it seem far worse than what it ever naturally was. You are the one who is full of it, and by that, I am not referring to knowledge of reality. Keep falling for the b.s. in the media at your own peril. Through the process of natural selection, nature always kills-off stupid first... That is why a lot of people were murdered by hospital administrators who were going along with the narrative for government subsidies. Over 100k dollars for each "Covid" death.

Thrace ecarhT • 1 year ago

cite your peer reviewed source.
I love to see some turnip complain about mainstream media and how everyone follows blindly while they repeat some bullshit they got off a facebook post from a high school drop out nazi wannabe

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

Are you guys in argument over the whole «Covid-Virus» ordeal ? Whether you can swallow your dis-belief that there are such things or not, some places took it to the court-room, demanding that evidence be presented that the «virus» was ever shown to exist via being isolated... I don't think you will like the rulings based on what I have read here thus far though.

Thrace ecarhT • 1 year ago

Who? Where? When? What was the basis for their case? Take it to court to prove it exists? What was the precedent to even get such a case heard? What was the filing? Please, enlighten us. We'd all like to share in your vast wealth of knowledge on this subject.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

Who : Patrick King
Where : Red Deer, Alberta (Canada)
When : 4 May 2021CE
Basis : ...omitting various details here, but, ultimately, and I quote towards the end «Patrick showed up in court the next day and called it a ‘procedural violation’ to which the judge agreed. Patrick requested an adjournment that was declined. Patrick reiterated this was procedural violation at which point Deena Hinshaw’s lawyer spoke up and said “Well your honor, Mr. King is requesting evidence we cannot get”.»
(P.S. : When it comes to court-cases, various reasons can be a basis for them to get started, but, Legalese is too verbose to go over in comprehensive-detail over a «chat-style» medium like this one, and is not so simplistic nor quick-reading as watching an evening news-segment)
Precedent : I probably have a few supreme-court cases archived away somewhere that would be amongst the category of precedents for something like this but it will take me a while to dig out since there are a lot of documents to go through (Legalese after all), but, I have other documents I am still working on for now which are more of a priority so I cannot get started on it immediately.


[quote]Court File-Number : 2110 00751
#1710 639 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0M9
TELEPHONE: 403-297-2001
FACSIMILE: 403-662-3824
Cynthia R. Hykaway
OUR FILE: LIT- 11840[/quote]

Please do your own homework/research. I find it most distasteful and «uncultured» when people insist that they know better, yet, make it extremely obvious to the rest of us who have bothered to do our own homework/research as to when they have NOT done their research/homework...

P.S. : A Spanish High-Court had also «confirmed that Covid 19 does not exist» but I would not be happy to have to do your homework for you yet again... please make sure to pay me the proper service-charge with the appropriate amount of $$$ or anybody else, for that matter, when asking us to do your «work» for you. That is proper etiquette after all when you don't want to do any work yourself.

Thrace ecarhT • 1 year ago

Oh. I did.
Facebook. You're repeating debunked facebook claims.
What really happened.
"King, who represented himself in court, sought to challenge the validity of Alberta’s public health rules and requested that the province’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, present papers that discuss the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 “directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient.”
In July, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta quashed the subpoena and found that King had not shown the material he requested was relevant to his case. The court also said the health agency “has no material evidence” that pertains to King’s fine."
You're to f'n funny. I knew you were gonna facebook/twitter us some stupid conspiracy nutter theory that's clearly been debunked as a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. The case you yourself cite does not support what you say. He was laughed out of court

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

Gosh, you «sinners» (not by definition of those treasonous religions but by definition of one who constantly/frequently exhibits negative/destructive expressions due to being FULL of negative-emotions) have no idea how hypocritical you are, I quoted literally from the literal document itself. YOU are the one getting it from «3rd-Party Sources» rather than the PRIMARY source. I don't even use FakeBook nor Twatter. Very reminiscent of YOUR «FALSE» claims (JUST like the «sources» YOU also «quote» from... FALSE) but there is nothing that can be done with cultists like you. Not even worth the amount of time & effort required to pull you out of your hell-bound destination since you will literally refuse to believe anything that is actually «truthful» anyway (and the core-reasons for this are of a «spiritual» nature). You are EXACTLY like those so-called «skeptics» are are described in the article titled : «How the Skeptics Lost Their Minds Over a Precognition Experiment»

I already know EXACTLY (for that matter I ALREADY KNEW) that you would respond precisely how you did because you are ALL «PREDICTABLE» (yes you are). How/Why are you ALL predictable ? The last several DOZENS of your type I encountered have ALL done/said the EXACT SAME things (or very similar). I can also QUITE CATEGORICALLY STATE that, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, each and EVERY one of you auto-pejorative types ALWAYS fall into the category of one or more of the following : Liberal (frequently Democrat), Materialist, Statist (elevating «government» into the level of what is essentially God to most of the religious people), Fundamentalist (then again ALL of these categories are automatically fundamentalist). I can state for a FACT that you DEFINITELY throw around the terms «Conspiracy Theory» and «Conspiracy Theorist» in the PEJORATIVE, and, you do it at if not nearly then EVERY instance of information that may differ from MSM even though the term «conspiracy» was NEVER used as a «pejorative» UNTIL shortly after the JFK-Incident, and «pejorative/dismissive» attitudes are DANGEROUS «karma» but you probably won't learn/find out about this until which time you learn the HARD WAY from personal-experience what the after-life after this physical-existence entails, let that be a warning. Don't come crying to me that I never warned you about the «karmic-consequences» when «your time» comes...

I wouldn't be doing my job properly as The Messiah's Successor though if I did not at least provide with you the wisdom as to how to calm your emotions, how-ever, should you reject it as will most-likely be the case, due to the actual good stuff in life having a «pre-requisite» for being humble enough to consider that what may be seemingly impossible or ridiculous might have some actual validity, that is your choice, for, nothing happens to us that we have never been complicit to causing others to experience (karmic-law for which the spiritual-debts do carry over from past-lives). Your ONLY HOPE of ANY «salvation» from your Plight will be to look-up & read the following page after using these search-terms : «Star Prayer Testament of Truth»

I can only «hope» that you make the right decision, for your own sake, not mine, for I HAVE already «seen» the «fates» of literally TRILLIONS of your types from my pre-earth-life memories/existence (and they experience WORSE than what could be described as millions of crucifixions over the span of the equivalent of over two billion earth-life-years)...

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

I don't know where I wish to begin but some info...:

・Several dozen animation-studios exist in Tokyo alone
・Animation-studios do «out-source» even from Korea/Taiwan/etc. (Yes, they really do out-source, and, this necessarily means that there must be at least some sort of budget used for said purpose)
・JP business-culture operates on a semi-annual budget-approval and performance-review system (unlike the Western business-protocols that do them once-a-year/annually)
・Budget-Approvals for projects require a literal 100% consensus from absolutely everybody who is involved in the budget-approval process or it does not get approved at all (due to their extremely conservative culture)
・Although the amount of time probably varies for a variety of reasons, for all intents & purposes, one animé-cour (i.e. : 12-13 Episodes series) takes approximately six months to complete (and is thus in alignment with the semi-annual budget/performance-review process).

Regarding man-power, yes, a lot of work does go into producing Japanimations, but, the exact details involved are actually rather difficult to come by for «reliable» information, due to what I can only assume to be some sort of «trade-secret» (Mr. Intellectual-Property Rights) behind the processes that they use to result in a finished animé-product, but, I am quite certain at this point that there is both a combination of man-power and technological-tools and other «assembly line» structures involved which goes into many resulting animé...

Testarossa • 1 year ago

More budget more work force or better studio so the quality consistency on studio or pay, the more motivated the better and also if low budget set or not raise enough money with movies they would not do seasonal since movie revenue ears more both can put in movie theaters and sell. And also not to mention shorter

Ishigar Astia • 1 year ago

Your reply turned into war of covid talkings.

Usami Mizuki • 1 year ago

lol yeah you're right.
didn't expect that

Testarossa • 1 year ago

Frr seasonal best

Shadow • 1 year ago

No game no life fans 💀

nah it has already been announced.. it is said to come out this year or next( i am not sure though , but they did make a twitter post)

Vurionkai • 1 year ago

Spring 2024 is release date for season 3

Ukko Metso • 1 year ago

I think D. Gray-Man was just as or even more painful to wait. 😎

GundamGoku • 1 year ago

The ending of Season 2 of Code Geass wrapped the show perfectly. When they brought it back it straight up ruined the show. They literally resurrected a show. Did anyone actually watch Code Geass? I swear. It had a perfect ending. Why were people acting like it needed a third season. It didn't end on a cliffhanger. Sorry I love mecha shows so this whole thing gets me heated. You waited 10 years? No you didn't. Code Geass ended. It finished. And everyone moved on to other shows. When they announced Resurrection of Lelouch the response was "oh, cool they are bringing code geass back" or "but... how and why?". No one was out here waiting for a continuation of Code Geass. It was a surprise when they announced it. Maybe someone didn't like the ending. But "10 year wait." That is just so not true. It's blatantly false. If you were waiting for the return of a show that had an complete ending and story arc. Idk what to tell you. Bandai brought it back not out of demand. They just saw a way to cash in on a well liked IP. It's also why the series had spin-offs and why it showed up in SRW.

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

*ill will wait a thousand summers~* for Spice and Wolf Season 3

Samet Raşit Ekiz • 1 year ago

Goddamint my man,read the game it will never come back.Black rock shooter did but that never will.

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

Nu o3o

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

The Code Geass movies are just an alternate timeline to the main series. As far as I'm concerned both timelines are canon to their own alternate realities, no need to compete with which timeline is correct. I do agree with you on the 10yr wait kinda made it seem like Bandai was desperate for more money and rebooted a series that wasn't necessarily needed. However I still enjoyed the movies as is and still consider them a separate timeline that 'could've' happened.

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

Code geass needed to stop at its anime series end. Lulush who is Zero fuckin dies. The ending was cold. But had a point in all of it. It was a good ending.

But NOOO 8 movies 30 spin offs. And south korea trying to build mechs now called Method-2. Ffs

Cutie MaoMao • 1 year ago

When you mentioned South Korea the only thing that come to mind to me is SOLO LEVELING.

Highkickfan • 1 year ago

South Korea's webtoon turned anime also includes Tower of God, God of High School, and Lookism. There's going to be another one next season or after that season called The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion.

Nikola Nikolov • 11 months ago

it wont be that long we just need to wait a bit more for the LN to go further ahead so the anime can safely adapt s3 and still have room for more ^_^

YakuTateBDayo • 1 year ago

or the never ending wait like NGNL...

Yami no TenRyuu • 1 year ago

April of 2024.... a bit of a wait but guaranteed
cant wait

Maggot King • 1 year ago

lmao that trash? code geass can suck my d and so can re zero. Both protagonists of said anime are aids incarnate.

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

Agreed. Code Geass got fuckin corny by half way point. But had a well done ending cap.
-Atleast it got a properly ending, Franxx fucking switched writers half way through, it was so bad, and a fuckin ‘WTF is going on’ ending.
-then re zero? It was a fun concept with psychological and horror tones to it. Just the right fan fair. Then slaps everyone in the fucking face with Rem.
-shield hero? Nah. It just didnt need a s2. It needed a movie. That entire plot on the fucking turtle thing, lasting 5~6 eps? Fuck that. I never felt more in watching, like i play Fallout 4. Fuck the main quest, lets kill some other shit. Worst, hes forced to do this shit.

Oh boy dont get me started on all the remakes and shit. Trigun’s remake? ASS

Kunare • 1 year ago

Darling and the Franxx wasn't WTF. It was made by studio trigger and everything had to end in space with big explosions. They almost did that to Cyberpunk Edgerunners but thankfully Cyberpunk had a previously set theme which did not involve aliens so Trigger settled with ending it on the moon because Studio Trigger anime must end in space.

Jullian J. Weskier • 1 year ago

No. Mid point forward, the writing got shit, you have no idea why Zero is Blue. Or why she became massive alien space thing. And then ended with a laugh about…. Nothing. The end.

TEKKEN. universal • 1 year ago

Bro code geass is top but re zero is mundane shit with zero mc progress etc don't throw them into the same bag you degen. That's like comparing fullmetal alchemist to one piece how can one shit compare to something so good

Destic • 1 year ago

Honestly I was waiting for this for a long time....
So I will tell you what I like and dislike about this(Disclaimer: I am not an expert in this kind of things, so please don't take this seriously)
1) I loved how they used CGI with art but still CGI is CGI it will feel a bit weird.
2) The story was not that good in my opinion(plus I have been reading Manwhas which are Korean Webcomics and the stories in them are really good so I have lost interest in anime and haven't watched anime in a while the only anime that got me hyped was The Eminence In Shadow, so my taste for story has became quite Harsh), the part where Hiiro died I already expected what would happen(ending) and the villains are way too obvious...
3) They didn't do that good with the twists(I mean with the primordial demon), Like in the second season the twists were good EXAMPLE: Rimuru becoming Demon Lord, Half the village dying
Well Overall the-
Story was: 5/10
Art was: 3/10(I am talking about the development here like what they improved in art after season 2 if I am talking about actual art it is actually 8/10)

disqus_3rpFmcccFJ • 1 year ago

yeah the story was a bit lacking though i think the involvement of the primordial in this movie was strictly for the purpose of foreshadowing the upcoming season lol i also read a lot of manwha i love em but the issue i have with them is that like 90% of them have the same or similar plot lines

Destic • 1 year ago

That is a problem but manwhas use cliche things so perfectly you can get addicted to them.....

Necrotenki Wongwat • 7 months ago

no it's not perfect just perfect for your taste
I like manhwa to but like the manga cliche better because most manhwa male mc are shit people that one does not want anything to do with in real life well this just my opinion
whatever one like better is a question of taste